Mastering's Contact Scoring for Better Prospecting

In the vast world of sales, prospecting is an essential aspect that can make or break your revenue targets. As sales teams continue to compete for their target market's attention, has become a game-changer, offering innovative features like contact scoring. This article is your ultimate guide to understanding and mastering's contact scoring, helping you drive better prospecting and increase your sales outcomes.

Understanding Contact Scoring

Contact scoring, or lead scoring, is a method used to rank potential customers based on their likelihood to convert into a sale. This system helps sales teams prioritize their efforts on leads most likely to become customers. It uses a point system based on the attributes of each lead and their behaviors. These can include job title, industry, size of the company, interactions with your emails, website visits, and much more.'s contact scoring feature utilizes machine learning and data analysis to provide accurate and insightful scoring, enabling sales reps to focus their efforts intelligently and maximize their efficiency.

The Importance of Contact Scoring in Prospecting

The power of contact scoring lies in its ability to streamline and refine your sales process. Instead of treating every lead the same, contact scoring helps you understand which leads are worth pursuing aggressively and which ones need more nurturing. This way, you can dedicate your resources more effectively, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Moreover,'s contact scoring is dynamic, meaning it changes as more data becomes available. As leads interact with your company—whether opening an email, visiting your website, or scheduling a call—their scores adjust accordingly. This feature ensures your sales team always has the most current and relevant data to guide their prospecting.

How to Leverage's Contact Scoring

Here are the steps to mastering's contact scoring for improved prospecting:

1. Understand the Scoring Metrics: uses a variety of data to calculate contact scores. It's crucial to understand these metrics and how they relate to your sales process. considers both demographic information (like industry, company size, and job role) and behavioral data (such as email opens, website visits, and calls) when calculating scores.

2. Customize Your Scoring Model: While's default scoring model is effective, you can also customize the model to better suit your specific business needs. For example, if you know that leads from a specific industry are more likely to convert, you can adjust the scoring model to reflect this.

3. Review Scores Regularly: Contact scores in are dynamic, so it's important to review them regularly. As new data is collected, scores will be updated. Regularly reviewing these scores helps ensure your sales efforts remain focused on the most promising leads.

4. Use Scores to Segment Leads: Contact scores can also be used to segment your leads. For example, you could create a segment of leads with high contact scores to target with specific campaigns.

5. Train Your Team: Finally, ensure your sales team understands how to use contact scores. Provide training on what the scores mean, how they're calculated, and how they should be used in the sales process.


In the competitive world of sales, any advantage can be crucial.'s contact scoring offers such an advantage. By understanding and mastering this feature, you can improve your prospecting, focus your sales efforts more effectively, and ultimately increase your revenue.

Remember, the key to effective contact scoring is not just in the technology but also in how you use it. Regular review, customization to fit your business needs, and adequate training for your sales team are all essential for making the most out of's contact scoring. With these strategies in place, you'll be well on your way to achieving better prospecting and improved sales outcomes.

Caleb Roche

Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Caleb is a Marketing Consultant that helps businesses build better marketing strategies. Combining strategy with implementation, he focuses on building long-term customers through data-driven decision-making. With experience working with both small and large companies, he has the experience to help businesses create strategic marketing plans that focus specifically on each business’s strengths, not just a one size fits all/template-based strategy.

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